When did you get your first tattoo and what inspired you to get it done?
I first went under the gun in 1999, I was into piercings before that but i knew i really wanted to get a tattoo of stars on my body. So I got a row of 9 black and red stars on my right side. 9 is my favourite number, black and red are two of my favourite colours and my mothers last name is Sky.
I've never been inspired by other tattooed people or anything like that, to me tattoos are a very personal thing, it's a memory of a part of my life...kind of like a diary...each piece I get done i draw myself and I take my time between tattoos, I never rush into them... although I have my next three planned out already ;)
Tattoos - Gothic Style
Mz Ann Thropik is my love till death
Describe your tattoos and what they mean to you?
Hmmm where do we start, well on my left arm there's and anatomy heart, all stitched up with a sewing needle through it, it means "no matter how many times you rip it apart, I will always stitch it right back up. then there's the 'self portrait' oh yes, Mz Ann Thropik's monster girl, squeezing your heart, and I just love roses, couldn't leave them out.
There's also a big moth, it represents ghosts ... moths, especially the big black ones have a tendancy to follow me around where ever I go...and there's a little trident, which is the signature I use on my art.
My right arm holds the tangled web of love! With a spade in the middle "A spade is a spade, I am who I am, take it or leave it" A crazy woman on a bus once came up to me and started pointing at it whilst raving "Black Death!!! Center Stage!!!" It was one of the creepiest things I've ever experienced.
There's also a set of bleeding cherries, to represent my late grandfathers cherry trees. And a sacred heart with the word truth written in it... speaks for itself. On my back there is a heart with cross bones through it and the word 'Thropik' under it, Mz Ann Thropik is my love till death, simple as that ;)
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