Fairy tattoos can be done in a wide array of styles including looking mischievous, cute, and dream-like or whatever else you might want to express. They are also very scalable and and easily tattooed to just about any location on the body making them an ideal tattoo design. Since each individual fairy tattoo can be done in a variety of different styles and can also hold a variety of different meanings. Fairy tattoos often represent some feeling or attitude that the person wishes to portray about themselves. They can act as sort of an alter ego. The person bearing a cute fairy tattoo might want to express their feelings of joy for the world and warmheartedness. Yet, a fairy tattoo can just as easily be depicting as very sexy and even provocative,expressing something that the person bearing the tattoo wants others to know about them or something they desire for themselves to embody. Universally, fairies were often depicted as being mischievous and dangerous for mere mortals to come in contact with. But, that is just one side of the fairy tattoo motif and most people prefer to concentrate on the positive aspects of fairies which include youth, playfulness and magic.
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